Electric Cars News

Blind Teen Given Free Tesla Model 3 After MrBeast Paid For His Cure

MrBeast recently paid for a procedure to restore the sight of 1,000 blind people from around the world. He was shocked that so many blind people can be cured by a quick and simple procedure. Now, a teenager who was born with cloudy vision is the proud owner of a Tesla Model 3.

There’s a good chance you’ve heard about MrBeast and his crazy antics. He’s a super-popular YouTube influencer who puts together wild videos and gives away loads of money to charity. In fact, MrBeast seems to be involved in his current line of work to amass followers, generate a huge income, and then use it to help people. He has often said he will give away every penny before he dies.

MrBeast’s most recent effort was to help restore vision for 1,000 people across the globe. One of the lucky candidates was a teenager named Satchel who was born with significant sight issues. Sadly, he was in a go-karting accident and lost most of what little sight he had. All Satchel was able to see were blurry shapes. The same was true of the other candidates.

Thanks to a known and curable issue with their eyes, their vision remains blurry for life. Their lenses get blurry and the cloud can’t come out on its own. However, doctors can remove the blurred lens with a tiny vacuum and then insert an artificial lens. An eye surgeon told MrBeast that half of all the blindness in the world can be cured with the same 10-minute surgery.

At any rate, Satchel has always wanted to drive, as do many people, and he has never drive a real car. He says he just spends most of his time at home since he can’t drive. After he was cured by the procedure provided by MrBeast, there was another gift coming. The social media influencer reached out to Satchel and took him to see his brand-new Tesla Model 3 electric sedan.

It seems the Model 3 wasn’t the latest version, but rather, one with the chrome trim. However, that clearly didn’t matter to the teen who not only has a new lease on life, but an amazing new car to drive. Now Satchel can see the world around him and travel as he sees fit.

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